US Flour Corp News

Delicious Baking with the Wonder of Pastry Flour

Monday, 13-Feb-2023 |

Pastry flour is a common recipe known worldwide for its ease to use and versatility. It is a soft, low-gluten flour with a gluten content of about 8 to 10%. This content makes it suitable for making pastry dough, pies, cookies, muffins, and biscuits. What Is Pastry Flour? Soft flour, pastry flour is made from… read more

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Whole Grains Matter: The Rewards of Eating Brown Rice

Monday, 6-Feb-2023 |

Whole grains have been a part of the human diet for a very long time. Unlike refined grains, which can cause health issues due to their high intake, whole grains are entirely different. There are several health benefits associated with the consumption of whole grains. What Are Whole Grains? The seeds of cereals and grass-like… read more

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Saddle the health benefits of durum wheat

Monday, 23-Jan-2023 |

Durum wheat is a type of wheat that you might already be eating. This is because it is used in many types of food, like bread, noodles, bulgur, couscous, and pasta. You might need to learn about the nutritional content and health benefits of eating this type of wheat. What is durum wheat? Durum is… read more

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Exploring the rich variety of whole wheat flours

Monday, 16-Jan-2023 |

Flour is the most important ingredient when it comes to home baking. It has been used for centuries and has many different types. Generally, there are different types or classes of grain, and everyone is specifically used to make the best baked goods. What is whole wheat flour? Whole wheat flour comprises wheat endosperm, bran,… read more

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Gluten showdown: High vs Bread flour explained

Monday, 9-Jan-2023 |

A common item in kitchens is flour. Diverse flour types might result in different baked items. Different varieties of flour, such as bread flour and high-gluten flour, each have particular nutritional advantages. Most of the time, their composition is to blame for the variation, and some are ideally suited for particular baked items. What is… read more

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Baking with whole wheat pastry flour: what you need to know

Monday, 2-Jan-2023 |

There are nutritional benefits to baked goods made using whole wheat flour. However, whole wheat flour is not the only flour with rich nutritional content that you can use. Another type of whole-grain flour you can use to make healthy and delightful baked goods is whole-wheat pastry flour. Below are some things to know about… read more

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What are the health advantages of using Organic Flour?

Friday, 23-Dec-2022 | ,

Grains are vital and nutritious staple foods for healthy consumption. But grain quality has depreciated over the years due to nutrient reduction. Therefore, there is a need for people who love consuming organic flour to stay vigilant for better health benefits. According to research, organic flour is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. But there… read more

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What are the substitutes for Semolina Flour?

Friday, 16-Dec-2022 |

You may only sometimes find semolina flour as an ingredient in many kitchens, but it is used in different recipes, from pastry to pasta to bread. There are options for semolina flour substitutes. Any flour made from wheat will be a good substitute since semolina is a type of wheat. What is semolina flour? High-protein… read more

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How is clear flour bread prepared?

Friday, 9-Dec-2022 |

If you are a producer of baked goods, you will know that there are many different types of flour. Also, it should be satisfied that the type of flour you use affects the outcome of your baked goods, such as biscuits, waffles, and bread. The difference in final products is because of the contents of… read more

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What are flour substitutes there for whole wheat flour?

Friday, 2-Dec-2022 |

Food frequently contains wheat flour. It can help with the production of pasta, bread, and other baked foods. Despite its uses, wheat flour is not a good substitute for people with wheat allergies. For those who require them, there are a number of alternatives to whole wheat flour. What are flour substitutes there for whole… read more

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