What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Whole Grains?
In recent years, people have started taking their health seriously. You come across people who exercise, perform yoga, and work out on a daily basis. Besides, people focus more on consuming healthy food and avoiding junk food. So when we are talking about eating healthy food and embracing healthy food habits, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
Grains—whole grains!
You might reach out to dieticians and nutritionists, and you will know that they encourage you to eat whole grains. If you are not in the habit of eating whole grains regularly, you may start by adding smaller quantities. When you estimate that your body is accepting the changes in your diet, you can keep increasing the amount. You can also increase the frequency of consuming whole grains. Your nutritionist will explain to you the specific quantity and type of whole grains you require in a day to keep your body healthy, fit and fine. Therefore, before you start eating whole grains, consult your nutritionist and plan out the process perfectly.
Before we move on to know the health benefits of whole grains, let us understand what whole grains are.
What Do We Mean By Whole Grains?
Grains, specifically, mean cereals that are smaller in size are highly nutritious. Some of the common whole grains that you consume in your daily life are—wheat, rice, barley, corn, etc. These are plant-based seeds, and you get nutrition from every portion of the plant. There are many other whole grains that are non-plants, such as quinoa and amaranth. Whole grains are considered nutritious because they are milled from the kernel—bran, endosperm, and germ.
This is the outermost layer of the whole grain and comprises fiber, essential minerals, and antioxidants.
This is the second layer of the whole grain and contains carbohydrates. It is essential to provide immense energy to your body.
This is the innermost layer of the whole grain and comprises the important plant compounds along with the right quantity of vitamins, minerals, and protein.
Now, let’s understand the benefits offered by whole grains to your body.
#1 Whole Grains Are Highly Nutritious
The most crucial nutrition that your body requires is fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. You get everything within whole grains.
- Fiber: It is present in the bran part of the whole grain and helps you to improve your digestion.
- Vitamins: The predominant vitamin present in whole grains is vitamin B
- Niacin, Thiamine, and Folate.
- Minerals: The minerals present in the whole grains are Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, and Manganese.
- Protein: You get a high amount of protein with every serving of whole grains.
#2 Whole Grains Help In Digestion
The presence of high fiber in whole grains helps you to improve your bowel movement and remove all the toxins from the body. When you are suffering from issues like diarrhea, stomach inflammation, constipation, or unexplained stomach ache, whole grains will help you. Whole grains consist of lactic acid that improves digestion by eliminating all the toxins from the body. You can also improve the absorption of nutrition in the body. You can enhance your immune system as well.
#3 Whole Grains Regulate The Level Of Cholesterol In The Body
The food you consume contains both good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is beneficial for the body, whereas bad cholesterol leads to heart diseases. When you increase the intake of whole grains in your diet, it will help the body to eliminate the absorption of bad cholesterol and regulate the level of good cholesterol as well.
#4 Whole Grains Will Help In Lowering The Level Of Blood Pressure
Do you know that whole grains are also helpful in regulating the level of blood pressure in the body? Yes, whole grains consist of essential minerals and vitamins that help in controlling the blood pressure in the body. With the consumption of whole grains, you can lower the risk of heart diseases, stress, and depression by 20 percent.
#5 Whole Grains Help In Redistributing The Fat In The Body
Do you think consuming whole grains will help you to lose weight? This is not completely false. Whole grains improve digestion and help in distributing fat across all body parts. Moreover, it helps in improving metabolism and boosting overall health.
Consuming healthy whole grains is quite important for your health. If you are in search of healthy, nutritional, and high-quality flours, reach out to US Flour. They are the leading suppliers of a wide range of flours in the US.